" Afscet-Café " ?
"Afscet-Cafe", a nickname earned due to the informal places of its
is one of the working groups of the AFSCET (Association - Science of
The reflection, founded on "the regeneration of complex systems", by
reinforces, through exchange, the bases of a critical approach of the
problems of our time (teaching, health, citizen responsibility, ...).
The "Know-how to say what one can do" that puts further the human
actual experience , is fundamental in this approach. Each member can
turn it to advantage and find an ear for their questions. In this
way, the emergence
of bridges between differences is favoured.
The group finds its identity in the consistency of a network made up of
diversity of its participants, in their capacity to welcome and the
problematics stemming from the subjects they propose.
Pierre Marchand, march 2004.